
Friday, 3 January 2014

Day Forty-three: 2014 Master list

I've never really done New Year resolutions. It seems like an arbitrary line to draw, and inevitably leads to failure, or at least a perception of failure. I do however like writing lists, in particular when I get to cross stuff off the list. I also think there is a great mental benefit to reviewing and remembering our successes, and lists are a simple way to achieve this. We so often fall into the habit of dwelling on the negative, thinking about things we haven't done or wish we hadn't done. So rather than making resolutions, I have decided to write a list of things I would like to get done this year. I will add to it and possibly take things off as I go along, making it a living record to consult when I need to remember that I am, in fact, rather good at some stuff.

So here is version one.
  1. Weight loss goals - I have several mini-goals written elsewhere, but my overall goal for this year is to lose another 2 stone.
  2. Walking. By the end of the year I hope to be walking at least 10 miles a week. This depends on getting my back/pelvis issues sorted, so I must do all the exercises prescribed by my physio to make this happen. I will invest in a measuring app to track my activity once I'm in a position to walk regularly.
  3. Work. Complete the IR Diploma and any other tasks set by my manager in order to get promoted in 2015.
  4. Writing. I used to write fiction. Granted, it was pretty awful fanfiction, but I enjoyed it a lot and got to know some great people in the writing community. I stopped pretty much on the day I separated from my ex. Maybe it was my outlet for dealing with the stress of the relationship and I didn't need it any more. Anyway I miss it and have a couple of story ideas rattling around in my head, so I aim to finish at least one of them this year.
In the meantime, I am on my first fast day of the year, about to go to my first physio session of the year, and looking forward to great things. I'll leave you with Woodie Guthrie's list of "rulin's" from 1942, courtesy of Brain Pickings. I particularly like numbers 13, 19, 20, 31 and 33.

1 comment:

  1. I like no. 18. Good old Pollyanna's "glad game" is still a winner in my book.
