- The busiest and most stressful fortnight of the year at work
- Completing the purchase of my new house
- Arranging for one of the rooms to be re-plastered after all the walls fell off during a redecorating attempt
- Starting packing and moving boxes from one house to the other
- Spraining my back, resulting in so much pain I ended up in A&E at one point, and meaning I can do very little practical physical house moving activity
- Complete stop on all efforts to fix my hip and ankle
- Attempting to switch from cigarettes to an e-cig, not entirely successfully
- Daughter starting Brownies and all the additional childcare arrangements required to get her there on a day I'm at work in London
- Negotiating with my ex over exchanging bits of furniture from my old house
There's probably more, it's felt pretty full on. Not all negative though - I'm writing this sat at my desk in my wonderful new house, I got a great performance review and bonus at work, the lovely boyfriend has laid beautiful new wood floor in two rooms, and my amazing friends and family have been helping me through my back injury every day.
The garden at the new place isn't exactly overgrown but is somewhat unkempt. There are a few pretty blooms making an appearance this week, so I'm looking forward to what we can achieve here too.

The upshot is that I stopped fasting for about 2 weeks. It was just too much to cope with and wasn't helping me. Once I realised I would need a break, I set a time limit on it, and last week got straight back into it. I was apprehensive about how hard it would be to restart, particularly given how much I was struggling with the fasts just before I stopped. However it's actually been really easy. Today is the 4th fast of the re-booted campaign and I haven't had any difficulty so far. In fact, I think that taking the break has been beneficial, in that I now have evidence that I can put down and pick up this lifestyle as and when I need to.
I suspect I gained around half a stone in that 2 weeks break. It wasn't just a fasting break, it was also a break from all my new good habits, and involved a lot of cake and wine. I weighed last week and was 3 pounds up on my lowest weight in February, so I am hopeful that I will get back to that and then start losing more fairly quickly. I intend to weigh again tomorrow and see how I'm getting on.
The official move in day is on Saturday, and I have a great team of helpers coming to shift the heavy stuff and keep the kids entertained while we get things done. I'm hoping things will calm down a bit after that. They won't, of course, but I can live in hope.