- The busiest and most stressful fortnight of the year at work
- Completing the purchase of my new house
- Arranging for one of the rooms to be re-plastered after all the walls fell off during a redecorating attempt
- Starting packing and moving boxes from one house to the other
- Spraining my back, resulting in so much pain I ended up in A&E at one point, and meaning I can do very little practical physical house moving activity
- Complete stop on all efforts to fix my hip and ankle
- Attempting to switch from cigarettes to an e-cig, not entirely successfully
- Daughter starting Brownies and all the additional childcare arrangements required to get her there on a day I'm at work in London
- Negotiating with my ex over exchanging bits of furniture from my old house
There's probably more, it's felt pretty full on. Not all negative though - I'm writing this sat at my desk in my wonderful new house, I got a great performance review and bonus at work, the lovely boyfriend has laid beautiful new wood floor in two rooms, and my amazing friends and family have been helping me through my back injury every day.
The garden at the new place isn't exactly overgrown but is somewhat unkempt. There are a few pretty blooms making an appearance this week, so I'm looking forward to what we can achieve here too.

The upshot is that I stopped fasting for about 2 weeks. It was just too much to cope with and wasn't helping me. Once I realised I would need a break, I set a time limit on it, and last week got straight back into it. I was apprehensive about how hard it would be to restart, particularly given how much I was struggling with the fasts just before I stopped. However it's actually been really easy. Today is the 4th fast of the re-booted campaign and I haven't had any difficulty so far. In fact, I think that taking the break has been beneficial, in that I now have evidence that I can put down and pick up this lifestyle as and when I need to.
I suspect I gained around half a stone in that 2 weeks break. It wasn't just a fasting break, it was also a break from all my new good habits, and involved a lot of cake and wine. I weighed last week and was 3 pounds up on my lowest weight in February, so I am hopeful that I will get back to that and then start losing more fairly quickly. I intend to weigh again tomorrow and see how I'm getting on.
The official move in day is on Saturday, and I have a great team of helpers coming to shift the heavy stuff and keep the kids entertained while we get things done. I'm hoping things will calm down a bit after that. They won't, of course, but I can live in hope.
Hi, I'm commenting on here although it was your pelvic issues that has given me hope. Long story short I've been off work since last December due to suddenly put the blue at work feeling like my pelvis was coming apart, just like the sensation I had when i had pubis symphysis disorder when pregnant ten years ago. I am not pregnant. My gp seems to think it's all in my head, as does the osteopath I've seen recently and spent nearly four hundred pound on last time I went I was in pain after he put me through an exercise work out of bike, treadmill, floor stuff whilst saying "see you won't snap" and me pointing out it's usually after anything more than a gentle stroll that the pain comes on. Low and behold three days after that work out it was in pain, front of pelvis feeling awfully like it was coming apart and pain in low back sacroiliac joint area which radiates through to the bones in my bum and so sitting becomes hard. I've been off work now since end of December as my job is running around three court rooms and sitting on wooden benches so no way could I cope, but your blog about your issues has given me some hope as I seem to have gone from being so outgoing and bubbly person to often in tears over feeling like I've got something hideous and untreatable. I had noticed you had mentioned the myth of pelvic pain being related to weight and I totally agree as I was a size six to eight when it began in december, although due to not being able to do anything and giving up smoking -purely because I was making plea bargains with anyone who could hear that if my pelvis got better I'd quit smoking and thought I may as well quit anyway and because I've been so focused and stressed over pelvis issues it's overridden any cigarette cravings, but of course I'm eating more so I've actually put on weight since pelvis went on me. I have appointment with a different gp for April and hope he will be mores up portion as I'm going to be on half pay soon and have no idea how that will work out. Anyway really wanted to comment as I felt like I had won the lottery just reading your blog and seeing someone else had gone through something similar without horrific situations -googling has caused me to find some awful issues that have put the fear of god in me. Best wishes.
Oh my goodness Zoe you poor thing. You are absolutely not losing your mind and you absolutely can get treatment. Please please get in touch with the Pelvic Partnership. They will call you back on the phone and are a marvelous resource for getting information. I was able to go to my GP with a clear description of the problem and what I needed, and get a referral to a physio who specialises in this issue, even though the GP herself was pretty clueless. It seems that sports physios are more suited to treating this. And please don't do any exercise (stupid stupid osteopath grrrrr) without getting them designed specifically for your issues by a qualified sports physio. My exercise comprised extremely gentle balancing and conditioning to start with.
DeleteI honestly feel your pain, quite literally, and the utter despair at nobody seeming to be able to fix it, but there are people out there who can sort it out, you don't have to live like this.
Please do let me know how you get on.
Hi, thank you so much for replying. I took your advice and rang pelvic partnership - the lady was so lovely. She said it sounds like something was never quite right going back to. When I had my son nearly 16 years ago as I had a limp for three months after his birth and awful loud click in lower back, but was told by midwife it was just from pregnancy and don't worry. Then signed of with my daughters pregnancy as pubis symphysis was so bad, and whilst no real pain since her birth ten years ago, my pelvis would randomly twang, if say I did some digging in garden or tried to pretend I was still a teenager and had a go at roller skating. I've got a feeling I'm not going to be able to find a good physiotherapist with knowledge of it in staffordshire where I live, so I might visit the lady pelvic partnership said to see as a plan b if bhs didn't have anyone in my area. Clare Woodward I think the lady is called and based in Gloucester, so bit of a drive but my ex partner Has said he would drive and help me financially with payments if need be as he's been shocked at seeing me shuffling and struggling to walk after that exercise session the osteopath put me through:(. Although at £60 a session it may well be that I could only afford twice a month appointments and don't know if that would be enough. I just feel that with the help of your blog and pelvic partnership I may be on the right track, although as silly as it sounds I'm also scared of saying that as it seems to good to be true.
ReplyDeleteI hope you're doing well and I am genuinely so thankful for your blog, I even sobbed when I first saw it as you were first person who described what I was feeling.
Zoe x